Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Closing of This Election Make's me Nervers!

From the very beginning  of this Election I have been upset, it's because I can not understand how any one can vote for someone that have more faces than one can Count.

Mitt Romney have lied to those of us who vote try to vote for the best person for this very important Position this man will have all of our lives in his hand and we as a People should know just how he will govern, but to my surprise not a person have looked or ask this question not of him because as a human I find him unwilling to tell the truth.

His whole ideal of leading a county is by not doing any of the traditional things that every president have done  for ever, not releasing his taxes, and only two years  one incomplete.  When that happened I began to worry about America The Beautiful, I knew that this is not a person that should be running our country his only reasons for wanting to be the President is just that he want to be the President, not that he want to take us to a new place or have new ideals just win the election.

My worries is that he will take us back to the 1950 or rather those who bought him will, but thank goodness he lost his bid for the Presidency, about 12:01 AM he conceded to  the new and elected  returning for four more year Barack H. Obama and Joe Biden, we won, now I am worried about our mother earth strange things are happening now, for instance look at New York and New Jersey, have anyone seen any thing like this happening in our life time, surely this is Global Warming at it's best we must start taking care of her.

What's Expected For The Future!

Although this blogger is 71 years of age and still looking forward to a better place, I expect to see more of taking care of our Earth, by taking care of our drinking water and clean the air that we breath.  Stop using dirty fuels investment in Win Turbines and getting rid of Nuclear digging for Oil these are the old ways.

I am looking forward to a better tomorrow and it is time we get started with it now, We just reelected President Obama, who believes in science and new technological invention,  Who believes that the World is Warming at an alarming pace,

Some say there is nothing that can be done about that, but  they made it this way and as the world turns so    does everything with it.  Man made earth unsafe for man, now it is time for man to at least admit that we are the cause of the melting of the ice climate changes that is happening right now New York New Jersey are giving us a glance at what this world are beginning to look like, if man don't start  doing something now soon there will be no earth.

We can start by getting rid of plastic, use cloth shopping bags will not only help earth but you as well, they can always be reused and washed.  Stop the Coal Mining from taking the top of our mountings as a matter of fact we need to start looking for ways to replace it as well as gas, and nuclear which is a hazardous to our being.  I am not a scientist and are unable to name all of the things we can do.

We must have strong EPA rules and regulation that must be enforced, stop big companies and oil companies from polluting our air and waters, these are things we can do, so lets make a pledge to write sign petition lets do our part to make a this a better place.  It's A Family Affair. 

Saturday, September 8, 2012


To my readers one thing we both can agree up on is this, when it comes to blogs I know nothing so what I am doing is expressing my  thoughts if you are looking for professional blogging perhaps you need to go to another place, this ain't it LOL!

As one of the oldest children of seven children raised by one parent, we were taught the love for each other and care and love of others.  As a single mother myself (fathers pass away). I tried to give what I learned from my mom and growing into who I am today to my children.

I was a young mom, and yes along the way of raising three children some mistakes was made that is because nothing or any one of us are perfect it also means that there is no such thing as one fits all rules for parenting.  Why you ask because we do not fit into that small little world of one fit all, this is why we are all our individual selves.

I (speaking of my family now) see thing within this family that hurtful mean, unforgiving no understanding and love have walked out of the door, the way some deal with a problem is to stop speaking to each other or  care each other but from a distance.  How can any problem be solved with out some one talking about it as well as listing to what the other person have to say.  Oh let me through my hat into this.

I love my children and there is nothing that they can say to me or do that would make me stop loving them or listing to them, that some how have changed, now it the other way around, I find myself not knowing anything or no longer wanted my usefulness is not needed, some have forgotten what I have given up to make them happy or what I have done for them.  I am that same person as I was yesterday as I am today.  As a child I could understand but I am speaking of adults.

If I say that no matter what you say I will never give up on you that I will always love you, I am told stop calling me and leaving messages trying to use reverse psychology on me it will not work, actually I thought my children knew me better than that. Maybe not, when a child decides to tell on me to someone else, that hurts.  When you barley hear from a child especially see them and when you tell them how glad you are just being in their present and they grunt (intelligible), it hurts.

Will I give up loving my children just because of the way that they have chosen the way that they live their lives and forgetting that no matter how far or dead or alive they go I will always be their mother.  I will as long as I live give them the respect that I  believe that they deserve, never would I suggest to either of my three children to stop contacting me or contacting them.

As a single parent for my children I have gone that mile with them some although have had a heart time putting together what I tried to teach them, but just maybe now gets it.  Some of my family member would tell me stop worrying about them they are grown let them handle their own problem or he/she will be all right, but as a parent I found that it was my duty to be there when they turn around and thought nobody cared that it was my duty to be stand just in the right place that they could see my mom is my friend is my rock who is always there rooting for me my mother loves me no matter what, and I will return the same to her, instead sometimes I feel as if I have been slapped in the face and kicked out of their lives.

To my family nothing that you can do or say will change my mind about the way I love you, maybe I do not do what you want me to do or act the way you think I should act or be that Mom with a degree, you see I don't know what it is you want from me, all I know is this I do love each of you with all my heart.
Love you always
These writing may not be copied or shared with, any one with out the writers permission:  09/06/2012, 

Tuesday, January 31, 2012


As a family we are all like a tree each of us represent the whole yet different. The tree represent the parent the branches is the children of the parent. The needlessness that drop from the branches is the began or and extension of that family. Each one of them are of it own just as the branches, (parent of the seeds) are different. The family want to see itself as perfect a perfect family is something we all would like to have, but it ain't going to happened because there is not such thing as perfect. One other thing I would like to bring into this conversation is this the family is also like a small community.

As a parent we raise our children the best of our knowledge and who is to say it was right or wrong when there is no instruction advising us on anything so we do what we think is right and learn along with the children, a sister or brother may not agree with the way you are rearing your children however that do not make theirs perfect either because they are depending up on the same things that you did. A community just like a family is made up of different people different personalities so is a family.

Just because you disagrees with your family or your neighbor do not mean that you should shut your doors of life cut them off from all aspect of your life. Let me straighten this out a little an abandonment of the heart is doing as that person that may have hurt you or done wrong by you, although we have a way of pleasing out minds by saying to ourselves if they hadn't done this I may not have did what I did or I would not act the way I do towards them, oh we do have our ways.

Unfortunately that puts you in the same place that the other person is in you have become them oh and yes they think the same way about you unforgiving or abandonment of heart always end with being unhappiness or along nobody enjoys being along I will not listen to that because you see we were all put here for each other. By no means do I want any one to allow some one to abuse them physically or mentally. that is not what I am saying at all I am saying that there is a better way to do it with out becoming that other person and with out the hurtful pains that goes along with loosing someone you love.

Our lives are complicated and family just can not deal with a lot of things that goes on with in it. Some family members do not have the understanding of being a family to be able to deal with it. Other just do not want to deal with situation that are unpleasant or embarrassing to them although it have nothing to do with them personally. Family are not that piece of jewel that one can visit every Family meeting or get together and admire it is something we must work at and one of the things we can do is to respect others and don't expect them to be like we are. We also need to remember that family is to be enjoyed loved not agreed with every time something is said or done.

Cousin, sisters brothers parents, we all are different people and need to see each others as such, not as that is my and he or she treated me this way or that my mom had a saying for this she said "forgive them and feed them with a long handle spoon". As a child I did not understand what it was that she meant so when I was old enough I asked her and this is what she said "forgive threat them nice but never give them the chance to hurt you again." Notice Forgive them, how many of us in a family do this or how many of us don't like something and go along to get along no matter how some one have hurt us. Be better Forgive them (after letting them know that they hurt you) but never allow them close enough to hurt you in that way again. Speak and always be pleasant and happy. Love you all!

Sunday, January 15, 2012



'via Blog this'


I have been listing to the Republicans platform and it have not excited me as of yet!  Let's start with the front runner Mitt Romney,who claim that the POTUS is running off class warfare, with out noticing that it have been a warfare for over a decade now the Rich keeps getting their share while the Middle Class have diminished into the Poor class of people, Mr. Romney also claim that Corporations are people too, with that kind of thinking it leaves me to believe that he is out of touch with any one but the rich.

Mr. Romney who is running off his Business since also complains that it is unfair for others to use his records as a business man.   Confusing I'd say so where do you go from here.  If Mr. Romney becomes president we can kiss our freedom good by, and look forward to the 1800 the good old days of slavery and land owners not allowed to vote counted as cattle this also would effect women as well as the Blacks no more freedom of speech or having rights all will be taken away.

Ron Paul, well he do not hide what he stands for if you can read in between words that are coded like property rights and strangely enough he want this country to cut itself off from the rest of the world.  Mr. Paul who refuses to answer question regarding his prejudices, or even confuses the subject of what he really stand for calling himself some one who believes, in a social society when all the time his true self is more in tune with the Old Southern Beliefs.   Are we to believe anything that he stands for when asked a question he answers with one of the most confusing conversations any one have ever heard leaving those who listen to many words yet not really saying any thing.

Not good for us here in the United States, we must realize that in order to survive in this global world we must play a part in it.

Newt Gingrich, jealous and angry as well as revenges is this the kind of man we want to run this country some of us remember him as the Speaker of the House and know how well that went over.   He makes his money off of gimmicks ideals that fill his pockets with cash.  Calls himself a historian, really?   His work for Freddie Mac as a lobbies was suppose to be a historian position, yea we believes this.  Newt is another Richard Nixon some one who is all for the money and damn the way he gets it.

This whole circus is nothing but that and the ring masters are playing it up for the Evangelic and the Tea Parties, but what about the real world oh their plan is to catch us on the down side.  The Tea Parties like dumb and the Religious like do as I say and be like me.  Hate prejudices is their games if anyone do not believe in their way of thinking they are sinners and are going straight to hell, how can man make this decision when they themselves are unable to live here on earth in peace love of all gods creation.  Who gives man the right of judgeship of others,  Their Bible should read revenge is mine I will repay, God will do the judging not man.