Lets begin with the latest thing on my mind and that is because of what I just saw on Cable News. The SCOUS, ruling on the rights of a church that pickets funerals, of solders killed in the wars, this church carry terrible sighs against the Dead Soldiers. I understand the reasoning behind the judges decision the right of free speech, I understand that but when do free speech become not free but painful should others judge and when did these people who claim to be children of Gods received the rights to judge others For it is written" Revenge is Mine Say The Lord God all Mighty I will repay".
If they read one part of their Bible then they should have read it all. It specifically state that we are not suppose to say anything against the dead. This is to say because the dead can not defend his/her self. So who are these people speaking to if ""For the Dead know not?" They are speaking to the Family and friends of the decease. The Bible also teach love. so how is it that they can speak for God if they are spreading hateful thoughts and saying hurtful things is this love? Just because I or you have the right to say or do somethings do not make it right to say or do! As humans we have the ability to think for ourselves therefore I condemn the Pastor of that church for leading his sheep to hell I fought the people for not thinking for themselves as God gave them free will, they should have used it.
The Second thought on my list is the way some States are treating our Public Employees. pitting the poor against the middle class by making it their fault that the States don't have any money for the programs that the poor uses because the State is trying to make it sound as if the public employee are using money that is not theirs by calling the Union Workers greedy and have all of the money. I would hope that the poor can see how reticular this is every teacher firefighter policeman garbage collector street cleaner removal works for their pay and each pay day an amount is taken out for their pension as well as insurance. For years the States have not paid their share of the public workers insurance or pension. Each time there is a freeze on pay it is the public services who get it. Now the States want you to believe that because of the Union these people are paid much more than the private Sector. Not true the private sector on the same lever of a pay scale makes more than it's counter part public worker do. What the Republican are trying to do is divide and conquer which can work if we allow this to happened. As a people of these United States we all should be looking at these facts, 1. No Governor, senator, Congressman(woman) have suggested that the rich should pay more because they have more. 2. Some of our public officials have been bought we know this by what they do. We can not ignore the facts if we keep our faces turned toward the pass we will get to the future no matter if we are left behind the future is here now. If we keep going to the ext reams of our society allowing hate and bigotry, prejudice to rule our world America the one that you and I love will soon decease as that place of freedom for all, we will become a country of non tolerance of other and full of hate for other races just because of the color of their skin. Oh wait we been there haven't we? That was a part of our pass are we willing to give up our now new found world to go back to the pass?
The Republican is not only dividing the Whites against the Hispanic and the Blacks but have set their eyes on the women in this country taking away a womans rights to choose some have suggested that even though through no fault of a woman if she have a miscarriage she will have to prove that it was not done through no fault of their own or they can be prosecuted for the murder of a child. Now they are saying if a heart beat of a to be child is heard two or three weeks into the pregnancy that a woman can not have an abortion, if she do she will be charged for murder. Women are being targeted what about the male who got her pregnant in the first place why do he get off free, why don't they say to a male that if he gets a woman pregnant he will be castrated or that he will go to jail for a child that have nothing but a heart beat nothing other than that. When do men and some women get to tell another person what to do with their lives forcing her to carry a child to full term, then what. Oh yes put it up for adoptions which means with our strict laws and rules for adoptions of a child this child will more than likely move from place to place never a home for the rest of it's life. Now two lives have been ruin for shame that other feel that they have the rights to force their ideals and ways up on other that do not want them but by forcing them to do this it will mean more women will die from illegal abortions or by doing it themselves even perhaps death to both mother and child by suicide. Why are those who think that they have the best answer to a questions always want to force feed others their ideological ideals. When do every living human being get to decided for themselves what is best for them even if another person don't like it, in a free society this is the way of life even if one do not like another's way of living or doing things we should all be saying It is their decision to make, therefore I stand behind them and support their rights as a human. The one who is over all of us (although some do not believe it) gave each of us free will, he could have did as those who would take it away by making it so that everybody will come to him everybody would believe in the One God, but he said free will, which means it's up to you if you believe or not he did not force his will up on any of us. But as humans we want to force our will up on others.
If they read one part of their Bible then they should have read it all. It specifically state that we are not suppose to say anything against the dead. This is to say because the dead can not defend his/her self. So who are these people speaking to if ""For the Dead know not?" They are speaking to the Family and friends of the decease. The Bible also teach love. so how is it that they can speak for God if they are spreading hateful thoughts and saying hurtful things is this love? Just because I or you have the right to say or do somethings do not make it right to say or do! As humans we have the ability to think for ourselves therefore I condemn the Pastor of that church for leading his sheep to hell I fought the people for not thinking for themselves as God gave them free will, they should have used it.
The Second thought on my list is the way some States are treating our Public Employees. pitting the poor against the middle class by making it their fault that the States don't have any money for the programs that the poor uses because the State is trying to make it sound as if the public employee are using money that is not theirs by calling the Union Workers greedy and have all of the money. I would hope that the poor can see how reticular this is every teacher firefighter policeman garbage collector street cleaner removal works for their pay and each pay day an amount is taken out for their pension as well as insurance. For years the States have not paid their share of the public workers insurance or pension. Each time there is a freeze on pay it is the public services who get it. Now the States want you to believe that because of the Union these people are paid much more than the private Sector. Not true the private sector on the same lever of a pay scale makes more than it's counter part public worker do. What the Republican are trying to do is divide and conquer which can work if we allow this to happened. As a people of these United States we all should be looking at these facts, 1. No Governor, senator, Congressman(woman) have suggested that the rich should pay more because they have more. 2. Some of our public officials have been bought we know this by what they do. We can not ignore the facts if we keep our faces turned toward the pass we will get to the future no matter if we are left behind the future is here now. If we keep going to the ext reams of our society allowing hate and bigotry, prejudice to rule our world America the one that you and I love will soon decease as that place of freedom for all, we will become a country of non tolerance of other and full of hate for other races just because of the color of their skin. Oh wait we been there haven't we? That was a part of our pass are we willing to give up our now new found world to go back to the pass?
The Republican is not only dividing the Whites against the Hispanic and the Blacks but have set their eyes on the women in this country taking away a womans rights to choose some have suggested that even though through no fault of a woman if she have a miscarriage she will have to prove that it was not done through no fault of their own or they can be prosecuted for the murder of a child. Now they are saying if a heart beat of a to be child is heard two or three weeks into the pregnancy that a woman can not have an abortion, if she do she will be charged for murder. Women are being targeted what about the male who got her pregnant in the first place why do he get off free, why don't they say to a male that if he gets a woman pregnant he will be castrated or that he will go to jail for a child that have nothing but a heart beat nothing other than that. When do men and some women get to tell another person what to do with their lives forcing her to carry a child to full term, then what. Oh yes put it up for adoptions which means with our strict laws and rules for adoptions of a child this child will more than likely move from place to place never a home for the rest of it's life. Now two lives have been ruin for shame that other feel that they have the rights to force their ideals and ways up on other that do not want them but by forcing them to do this it will mean more women will die from illegal abortions or by doing it themselves even perhaps death to both mother and child by suicide. Why are those who think that they have the best answer to a questions always want to force feed others their ideological ideals. When do every living human being get to decided for themselves what is best for them even if another person don't like it, in a free society this is the way of life even if one do not like another's way of living or doing things we should all be saying It is their decision to make, therefore I stand behind them and support their rights as a human. The one who is over all of us (although some do not believe it) gave each of us free will, he could have did as those who would take it away by making it so that everybody will come to him everybody would believe in the One God, but he said free will, which means it's up to you if you believe or not he did not force his will up on any of us. But as humans we want to force our will up on others.
It is easy to tell othrs what to do but when it comes to ourselves there is a difference. There are those who must have the rights to tell everybody else how to live their live but leave theirs along it's private but no one but them can enjoy this, but some close friends if they believe in the same things that they do. No one is allowed to have a mind of their own.