With the new Republican in the House who are self serving Republican Governors, the Americans are asking themselves if they are being represented or is it the Big Interest that are being served, this last few weeks have awaken American to a new kind of Presentational and are finding it is not in their best interest.
In all of the conversation that is going on about Union Busting and the Muslim being Radicalized it is hard for us to keep up with all of it. However America are fighting back especially the Union Busting Bills that are popping up all over our States, in pretending of fixing the budget, taking rights to bargain away from the working public and private citizens. How in listing to the Television it appears that these governors need to get their physical house in order by fixing their budget.
In all fairness one of the Democrat ex governor said, by law these state must get their budget in order. This governor said that they just have it all wrong on how to go about it with out taking away the Union. Well yes, especially if these same governors are giving billion of tax cuts to Big Companies that are in their States. The ex-governor explained that as well, "they think that if they go after these businesses they will leave their prospective States. Perhaps the American people should just shut up and allow these governors take care of the businesses in their States. The American people know that the ex-governor is wrong about something, firs the Companies are sitting on Billions of dollars and have not open up it's door for jobs opportunities. What are they doing with these tax cuts if they are not hiring, what happens if the do leave, most of them have moved to other Countries any way leaving the American people jobless, yet the ship their goods back to America for hire prices than it took them to make them, by hiring cheaper labor.
The American want the loop holes shut that allow companies to leave this country taking with them jobs and expecting the American to purchase their goods. These companies that are recking in billions of dollars and are just sitting on it yet the citizens are expected to give them big tax breaks. For what just to be able to say that a business is in their states. Are we there yet, this question may never be answered if American stop fighting for the justification of these Governors goals to take away the one right left and that Public and private sector to bargain for their wages, hours of work weeks breaks and safety on the job. American have take the attitude of Mad as Hell and I am not going to take it any more.
In all of the conversation that is going on about Union Busting and the Muslim being Radicalized it is hard for us to keep up with all of it. However America are fighting back especially the Union Busting Bills that are popping up all over our States, in pretending of fixing the budget, taking rights to bargain away from the working public and private citizens. How in listing to the Television it appears that these governors need to get their physical house in order by fixing their budget.
In all fairness one of the Democrat ex governor said, by law these state must get their budget in order. This governor said that they just have it all wrong on how to go about it with out taking away the Union. Well yes, especially if these same governors are giving billion of tax cuts to Big Companies that are in their States. The ex-governor explained that as well, "they think that if they go after these businesses they will leave their prospective States. Perhaps the American people should just shut up and allow these governors take care of the businesses in their States. The American people know that the ex-governor is wrong about something, firs the Companies are sitting on Billions of dollars and have not open up it's door for jobs opportunities. What are they doing with these tax cuts if they are not hiring, what happens if the do leave, most of them have moved to other Countries any way leaving the American people jobless, yet the ship their goods back to America for hire prices than it took them to make them, by hiring cheaper labor.
The American want the loop holes shut that allow companies to leave this country taking with them jobs and expecting the American to purchase their goods. These companies that are recking in billions of dollars and are just sitting on it yet the citizens are expected to give them big tax breaks. For what just to be able to say that a business is in their states. Are we there yet, this question may never be answered if American stop fighting for the justification of these Governors goals to take away the one right left and that Public and private sector to bargain for their wages, hours of work weeks breaks and safety on the job. American have take the attitude of Mad as Hell and I am not going to take it any more.
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