Tuesday, March 29, 2011


The Presidents Speech March 28, 2011 6:30 P. M. Century time was very inspiring and human.  Some are still complaining that they did not understand this is because the ones who don't understand are playing politic, and want those who are laymen to believe that his speech was non explainable that he left something out.  Yet before the No Fly Zone was put into place these very political people was saying that America is not doing enough to help the Libyan Rebels.  This President (for once) was thinking about how to help the Rebels with out getting into another War, yet be able to help them to fight against a Tyrant who have suppressed his people for over forty years, now.

The question that the Political geniuses seem to want to know is what is it that American is protecting, there is no value of interest in this Country, skipping the most important access that no amount of money or gold  can be place up on it.  This access is humans, This President proved that we as a people with thoughts of others can and should be humane to those who are in need.

There are some who (selfish) and political ponderers want to have the American People to think we have no room to think about others when we are in such bad financial shape and our economy is not growing the way it should be growing that we should only be thinking about ourselves and ourselves only, We believe in humanitarian and the gift of life basis freedom for any people who are willing to reach out and take it.  Not like the War in Iraq there were no request for freedom from their leader, they were not marching or organizing to be free of a dictator they never ask for any kind of help.  As a Matter of fact they never wanted America to come to their Country and defeat their leader this was our President ideal he made the statement once "I think everybody should be free". He and his conspirators built up a lie.  Stating that after 9/11 that Iraq had the capability of a nuclear bomb that it Hassan use it, it would be a Mass Destruction for American because the ones who flew the planes into the Twin Towers was connected to Iraq there for we must go to war with that Country to keep safe, this turns out to be a complete lie, nothing of a kind was ever found to have any existence in that Country.   So it was refreshing to hear that out President after the Libyan Rebels asked and the Other Arab world people asked for help there, then and only then did he decided to give help to those who are fighting for their freedom from a man that could have massacred a whole people with out a thought.  Our President had a choice to make but he wanted it to be combined with other Countries not just the United State working along, after receiving what it was needed he did as other Presidents have done before him.  

So what makes his decisions so much worst than the other Presidents well, to answer that question lets think back to what the other side have said.  "We want to make this President a one term President".  So before he made any decision he was damned after he made his decision he was damned.  It is all Political to them they are not thinking of how many lives have been saved. only that the want to make sure that anything that he does would be looked up on as not being in the best interest of the  Americas.

I thank this President Obama, for being a thoughtful person a human person a person that thinks not what's in it for me or what can the American People gain from this if he allowed Gaddafi to carry out his hate on his own people so that he can remain in power, he made the decision based up on humanity this is what we should be about not how much Oil or governing of other's countries, but about caring about others just because they are humans and deserves to have the basic of life freedom from oppression.  As an America I ask that we remain in all humanist things, we can not get into every little thing but where we can we must.

Sunday, March 20, 2011


In thinking of how man, have advanced yet not left the old ways, man have come a long way within society, yet remains in the Pass, for instance man still do the things he once did back in the past centuries.  like killing of other humans, degrading of others, no love or compassion for their human brothers/sister.  Prejudice against one another enslaving those unfortunate by making sure that they never get up to where they are.  Yet there are some who would call this progress.  Progress in richness of everything excepted humanist.  Man have learn to make things that their forefathers  would have enjoyed if it was available, such things that many take for granite things that are considered to some to be theirs for the taking no matter who is left hurt or with out just so they have it.  There are some who thinks because of the none color of skin, that they are the best of man kind.  How this came about I am not sure because the oldest Book in History began with those of Color, how did these non colors become the best of best each of us are really the same under the skin, thoughts do not make it so because one thinks it.  Each Human must beget human, not like any other creation only humans can have a child that child grows into what is you born of you and human.

Humans have not grasp the truth of being kind to each other treat other with all the dignity that one another would want from the other.  Animals kills for food, humans kill each other for the sake of killing. They dislike other just because one person do not have the same color/none color, or because one person believes in another God, or call their place of worship by another name.  Humans, want to be the lead on others lives, telling those who are of different sex how they should live.

Humans kill, those who chose a certain way of making a living just because they have deemed them to be murders of something that they can not prove, to exist at least when they think it exists.  Human takes on the roll of the one that they are suppose to worship, dismissing the book they clam to believe in dismissing the things that states in that book, that teaches love of your fellow human.  Even dismissing the God that many clam to believe in yet they would have any one that would listen to believe that they are teaching that same GOD.

And yet through it all man is still loved by the God that they have claimed to be a part of yet far from him, there is not truth in them.  Not trustworthy or so another man would thing, but not the God  he is suppose to serve. The heart can (mind) not be read by mer man only he who created both Heaven and Earth can do this.
Man is not always right and should let God be man and Man be man.  Stop murdering hating, leading others lives, prejudice.  All of these things should be done away with if history servers these things and we think of today as the future, shouldn't there be an a newing of our hearts. )Minds)

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Arab League asks UN for no-fly zone over Libya  | ajc.com

Arab League asks UN for no-fly zone over Libya | ajc.com


With the new Republican in the House who are self serving Republican Governors, the Americans are asking themselves if they are being represented or is it the  Big Interest that are being served, this last few weeks have awaken American to a new kind of Presentational and are finding it is not in their best interest.

In all of the conversation that is going on about Union Busting and the Muslim being Radicalized it is hard for us to keep up with all of it.  However America are fighting back especially the Union Busting Bills that are popping up all over our States, in  pretending of fixing the budget, taking rights to bargain away from the working public and private citizens.  How in listing to the Television it appears that these governors need to get their physical house in order by fixing their budget.

In all fairness one of the Democrat ex governor said, by law these state must get their budget in order. This governor said that they just have it all wrong on how to go about it with out taking away the Union.  Well yes, especially if these same governors are giving billion of tax cuts to Big Companies that are in their States.  The ex-governor explained that as well, "they think that if they go after these businesses they will leave their prospective States.  Perhaps the American people should just shut up and allow these governors take care of the businesses in their States.  The American people know that the ex-governor is wrong about something, firs the Companies are sitting on Billions of dollars and have not open up it's door for jobs opportunities.  What are they doing with these tax cuts if they are not hiring, what happens if the do leave, most of them have moved to other Countries any way leaving the American people jobless, yet the ship their goods back to America for hire prices than it took them to make them, by hiring cheaper labor.

The American  want the loop holes shut that allow companies to leave this country taking with them jobs and expecting the American to purchase their goods.  These companies that are recking in billions of dollars and are just sitting on it yet the citizens are expected to give them big tax breaks. For what just to be able to say that a business is in their states.  Are we there yet, this question  may never be answered if American stop fighting for the justification of these Governors goals to take away the one right left  and that Public and private sector to bargain for their wages, hours of work weeks breaks and safety on the job.  American have take the attitude of Mad as Hell and I am not going to take it any more.



For those who judge and call others religious false Read (NIV) Romans 14, through 15.  the Verses that I have chosen have to do with judging of others.  As human some have begun to take the place of God judging other holding themselves above their brother/sister the Bible that I read teaches love and understanding. No man can judge another because we all belongs to the Lord if we believe in him or not, we can not call another person a sinner we all sin one sin is not better or worst than the other, I is up to the Lord to judge man not man.

Romans: 14:8  If we live, we live to the Lord; and if we die, we die to the lord so, whether we live or die, we belong to the Lord

Romans 14:9  For this is very reason, Christ died and returned to life so that he might be the Lord of both the dead and the living.

Romans 14:10  You then, why do you judge your brother?  Or why do you look down on your Brother for we will all stand before God's judgement seat.

Romans 14:11  It is written: " As surely as I live." says the Lord, 'every tongue will confess to God."

Romans 14:12  So then each of us will give account of himself to God.

Romans 14:13  Therefore let us stop passing judgement on another, instead, make up your mind not to put any stumbling block or obstacle in you brother way.

God has said we all are his we all live still his we all die still his, we all will have to give account of ourselves, so where do we have the room to judge someone else.  Why do we as sister and brothers in Christ put stumbling blocks in another pass causing them not to come to Jesus, why do we decide what is a sin and what is not who gave that to the so call Churches of today that authority.  The Churches today teaches hate judging and separation of one from another.  It does not matter what one calls themselves we all belongs to Jesus, he died to have that right he will judge he know the heart not man.  So in his name we should be loving and kind to all of his creations. 


For those who judge and call others religious false Read (NIV) Romans 14, through 15.  the Verses that I have chosen have to do with judging of others.  As human some have begun to take the place of God judging other holding themselves above their brother/sister the Bible that I read teaches love and understanding. No man can judge another because we all belongs to the Lord if we believe in him or not, we can not call another person a sinner we all sin one sin is not better or worst than the other, I is up to the Lord to judge man not man.

Romans: 14:8  If we live, we live to the Lord; and if we die, we die to the lord so, whether we live or die, we belong to the Lord

Romans 14:9  For this is very reason, Christ died and returned to life so that he might be the Lord of both the dead and the living.

Romans 14:10  You then, why do you judge your brother?  Or why do you look down on your Brother for we will all stand before God's judgement seat.

Romans 14:11  It is written: " As surely as I live." says the Lord, 'every tongue will confess to God."

Romans 14:12  So then each of us will give account of himself to God.

Romans 14:13  Therefore let us stop passing judgement on another, instead, make up your mind not to put any stumbling block or obstacle in you brother way.

God has said we all are his we all live still his we all die still his, we all will have to give account of ourselves, so where do we have the room to judge someone else.  Why do we as sister and brothers in Christ put stumbling blocks in another pass causing them not to come to Jesus, why do we decide what is a sin and what is not who gave that so call Churches of today that authority.  The Churches today teaches hate judging and s

Thursday, March 3, 2011


Lets begin with the latest thing on my mind and that is because of what I just saw on Cable News.  The SCOUS, ruling on the rights of a church that pickets funerals, of solders killed in the wars, this church carry terrible sighs against the Dead Soldiers.  I understand the reasoning behind the judges decision the right of free speech, I understand that but when do free speech become not free but painful should others judge and when did these people who claim to be children of Gods received the rights to judge others For it is written" Revenge is Mine Say The Lord God all Mighty I will repay".
If they read one part of their Bible then they should have read it all.  It specifically state that we are not suppose to say anything against the dead.  This is to say because the dead can not defend his/her self.  So who are these people speaking to if  ""For the Dead know not?"  They are speaking to the Family and friends of the decease.  The Bible also teach love. so how is it that they can speak for God if they are spreading hateful thoughts and saying hurtful things is this love?  Just because I or you have the right to say or do somethings do not make it right to say or do!  As humans we have the ability to think for ourselves therefore I condemn the Pastor of that church for leading his sheep to hell  I fought the people for not thinking for themselves as God gave them free will, they should have used it.

The Second thought on my list is the way some States are treating our Public Employees. pitting the poor against the middle class by making it their fault that the States don't have any money for the programs that the poor uses because the State is trying to make it sound as if the public employee are using money that is not theirs by calling the Union Workers greedy and have  all of the money.  I would hope that the poor can see how reticular this is every teacher firefighter policeman garbage collector street cleaner removal works for their pay and each pay day an amount is taken out for their pension as well as insurance.  For years the States have not paid their share of the public workers insurance or pension.  Each time there is a freeze on pay it is the public services who get it.  Now the States want you to believe that because of the Union these people are paid much more than the private Sector.  Not true the private sector on the same lever of a pay scale makes more than it's counter part public worker do.  What the Republican are trying to do is divide and conquer  which can work if we allow this to happened.  As a people of these United States  we all should be looking at these facts, 1.  No Governor, senator, Congressman(woman) have suggested that the rich should pay more because they have more.  2.  Some of our public officials have been bought we know this by what they do. We can not ignore the facts if we keep our faces turned toward the pass we will get to the future no matter if we are left behind the future is here now.  If we keep going to the ext reams of our society allowing hate and bigotry, prejudice to rule our world America the one that you and I love will soon decease as that place of freedom for all, we will become a country of non tolerance of other and full of hate for other races just because of the color of their skin.  Oh wait we been there haven't we?  That was a part of our pass are we willing to give up our now new found world to go back to the pass?

The Republican is not only dividing the Whites against the Hispanic and the Blacks but have set their eyes on the women in this country taking away a womans rights to choose some have suggested that even though through no fault of a woman if she have a miscarriage she will have to prove that it was not done through no fault of their own or they can be prosecuted for the murder of a child.  Now they are saying if a heart beat of a to be child is heard two or three weeks into the pregnancy that a woman can not have an abortion, if she do she will be charged for murder.  Women are being targeted what about the male who got her pregnant in the first place why do he get off free, why don't they say to a male that if he gets a woman pregnant he will be castrated or that he will go to jail for a child that have nothing but a heart beat nothing other than that.  When do men and some women get to tell another person what to do with their lives forcing her to carry a child to full term, then what.  Oh yes put it up for adoptions  which means with our strict laws and rules for adoptions of a child this child will more than likely move from place to place never a home for the rest of it's life.  Now two lives have been ruin for shame that other feel that they have the rights to force their ideals and ways up on other that do not want them but by forcing them to do this it will mean more women will die from illegal abortions or by doing it themselves even perhaps death to both mother and child by suicide.  Why are those who think that they have the best answer to a questions always want to force feed others their ideological ideals.  When do every living human being get to decided for themselves what is best for them even if another person don't like it, in a free society this is the way of life even if one do not like another's way of living or doing things we should all be saying It is their decision to make, therefore I stand behind them and support their rights as a human.  The one who is over all of us (although some do not believe it) gave each of us free will, he could have did as those who would take it away by making it so that everybody will come to him everybody would believe in the One God, but he said free will, which means it's up to you if you believe or not he did not force his will up on any of us.  But as humans we want to force our will up on others.