It is time for everybody you know and don't know to say to Merry Christmas (laugh Out Loud). Most of these people have not spoke to you in their lives although they pass you in the halls or at the water cooler copier machines never a hello or how are you.
And there are those who you know who are church goers (every Sunday), who treat you as if you do not exist because you chose not to attend church, yet here they come Merry Xmas yelling at you as you make your way to where ever it is you are trying to get to. People have forgotten what the meaning of Christmas, stand for first lets discuss the fact that Christmas is not a religious Holiday as some would have you to believe. It was started by none Christian and the Religious Folks picked it up as their own. Making Xmas about thing with gift giving and inter taming each other was never a part of the original plan of Christmas. Christmas existed before Christ Was born so how could this be his birthday!
Looking back we know that in December in is to cold for the Shepard's to have been out tending the sheep's, there for Jesus had to have been born when it was not cold out and the Shepard's was still out attend the sheep, however we can not specifically say which month Jesus was born in but we can rule out December. celebrate first started but it was about giving to children of the poor.
Lets take a look at Jesus and what his commandment was about. Being Christ Like.
"Where I was in jail did you come see about me? When I was hungry did you feed me? When I was homeless did you give me a place to rest when I was naked did you clothe me? and you will ask Lord when were you in jail or hungry, naked even when were you homeless? I have done many of things in your name, but He will say unto you, get away from me I never knew you, for you are Satan's child. Deeds with our Works is no good, works with out deeds are not enough you must give both your time!
You see Christmas or any other day must be with him each of us must continue to do good deeds regardless of where the need is. How many of you run to Church every Sunday yet do not work or do good deeds or take Gods words to some one who is in Prison, or send a letter. How many of us give to those who already have because we are expecting something in return. How many of us help those who are homeless out of work or lost in the world hungry and you did not feed them. You who judge other for their sins when his words tells us that we are not to judge our fellow man as a matter of fact we are not to judge ourselves.
How long will you continue to try and taking the splinter out of another's eye your brothers/sister when you have a log in your eye. You who march carrying banners that states lies and frown up on those whom you have deemed to be sinner therefore are not worthy of the Good News because of their sins you hypocrite you are not of my God who loves every one of his children. You can not force any one to become a part of your so called church because of you hypocritical ways.
You who have sold your souls to Satan for the few minuets of Glory, but God shows you up for what and who you really are. You who think it is your duties to make other believe will pay for your sins as well, for he said "who so ever will let him come". But you have all ready condemned them as if you speak for God, you have driving away his children from him and set their ways against him by your own sins.
I'll as you this question Why do you pick one day to celebrate his birth why do you honor his birth and clam to be of his children after all the year long you sinners have ignored God's children by preaching hate and division among his people now on this one day you Wish them a Merry Christmas, you who know nothing about him.
Written by: Marie Russell-Barker,
With love and respect of all.
And there are those who you know who are church goers (every Sunday), who treat you as if you do not exist because you chose not to attend church, yet here they come Merry Xmas yelling at you as you make your way to where ever it is you are trying to get to. People have forgotten what the meaning of Christmas, stand for first lets discuss the fact that Christmas is not a religious Holiday as some would have you to believe. It was started by none Christian and the Religious Folks picked it up as their own. Making Xmas about thing with gift giving and inter taming each other was never a part of the original plan of Christmas. Christmas existed before Christ Was born so how could this be his birthday!
Looking back we know that in December in is to cold for the Shepard's to have been out tending the sheep's, there for Jesus had to have been born when it was not cold out and the Shepard's was still out attend the sheep, however we can not specifically say which month Jesus was born in but we can rule out December. celebrate first started but it was about giving to children of the poor.
Lets take a look at Jesus and what his commandment was about. Being Christ Like.
"Where I was in jail did you come see about me? When I was hungry did you feed me? When I was homeless did you give me a place to rest when I was naked did you clothe me? and you will ask Lord when were you in jail or hungry, naked even when were you homeless? I have done many of things in your name, but He will say unto you, get away from me I never knew you, for you are Satan's child. Deeds with our Works is no good, works with out deeds are not enough you must give both your time!
You see Christmas or any other day must be with him each of us must continue to do good deeds regardless of where the need is. How many of you run to Church every Sunday yet do not work or do good deeds or take Gods words to some one who is in Prison, or send a letter. How many of us give to those who already have because we are expecting something in return. How many of us help those who are homeless out of work or lost in the world hungry and you did not feed them. You who judge other for their sins when his words tells us that we are not to judge our fellow man as a matter of fact we are not to judge ourselves.
How long will you continue to try and taking the splinter out of another's eye your brothers/sister when you have a log in your eye. You who march carrying banners that states lies and frown up on those whom you have deemed to be sinner therefore are not worthy of the Good News because of their sins you hypocrite you are not of my God who loves every one of his children. You can not force any one to become a part of your so called church because of you hypocritical ways.
You who have sold your souls to Satan for the few minuets of Glory, but God shows you up for what and who you really are. You who think it is your duties to make other believe will pay for your sins as well, for he said "who so ever will let him come". But you have all ready condemned them as if you speak for God, you have driving away his children from him and set their ways against him by your own sins.
I'll as you this question Why do you pick one day to celebrate his birth why do you honor his birth and clam to be of his children after all the year long you sinners have ignored God's children by preaching hate and division among his people now on this one day you Wish them a Merry Christmas, you who know nothing about him.
Written by: Marie Russell-Barker,
With love and respect of all.
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