Sunday, April 3, 2011


From child  until adult, we all have been chasing after happiness, yet when and if it comes it is only in dribbles, never to stay if at all.  But how can some one honest it, how can we as humans know what it is if we only gets glimpse and pieces of it.  How do we know it is happiness if we don't have and understanding of what it is and how it makes us feel.  Age old questions that I bet each of us have asked ourselves, many of times.  Some thing that money is happiness others think that just being surrounded by things brings happiness, yet none of these makes any of us happy, what then can we do nothing.

The more one have the more one accumulates yet happiness escapes  For one moment out of how many days of ones life we see a gimps of happiness.

There are all kinds of though on what would make one happy from owning to having or wellness.

So will anybody ever have happiness, yes it is always with you those little fleeing moment, things said or done people that you remember fondly , and the days that you spent looking for happiness now you can laugh at how sill you were looking for something that you already had

We finely realizes that money could not buy that for us, because you look back and realize  that person who had every thing never became happy  did not live to see this day, so was it happiness that they accomplished,  it all was for nothing happiness never came while here on earth.  we know  no matter how much we have or how many friends we have that someone who did not see today never spoke of happiness.

We realize that although we do not  own anything that  in the end of the day that do not make us happy either.

Happiness lives within and if only one would just open their eyes it is there for all to see.  Happiness grows within it never dies, it go with us everywhere  even to the  graves  happiness lives on  in spirit and time. Those glimpse that we have been seeing are the things to come.

I believe in time for instance there is a time and a place for everything that we do on this earth, Time for every little thing that happens in ones live while on earth time counted,  Everything In the beginning was done in time every hours minuet have a place.  Why are we  afraid of time, yes we are afraid of time ending. Revelation  speaks of an end time in our Bible but the end time is when you no longer are here on earth.

Why are we so comfortable we all know we did not come to stay yet we don't want to leave.  Remember time, well death to me is that time yes the body dies but the spiritual body lives on.

It goes to it's time, and since this time have been hard, for us to see what happiness is and when it will come  the time that is coming will be filled with happiness because you will not have to look for it or think it is not for you because you can not see feel or hear it.  Time  will open eyes that was closed and we will be able to see it all.  The Per Suite of Happiness, true happiness, will come up on our second life, spiritual life.

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