Today, all the buzz is about the Marriage of Maria S. and Arnold S. the question is this why do men of that is famous cheat, giving them the monopolizer of cheating on their wives, I would not give them credit of just because of their position that they cheats it happens every day in every day lives, men and women cheat on each other of course if one life is not that of recognition nobody know about it except for the friends and families of those couples. To say that the Famous men are cheater is wrong, who do you know gets in the news if he or she is not famous, but do that meant that the other world out side of famous do not do the same things, of course they do. I can only speak for myself, Arnold and Maria's problem is not unique it is just that they carries famous names.
Today the buzz is also about the Rapture (The End Time) now this prompted me to go back to my Bible to read up on this in my research of the NIV Bible Matthews Chapter 24 Verse 4-5, TITLE The Day and Hour Unknown. Before we get into this let it be know that I will not laugh nor will I Believe this but in truth, this has been warred "Watch out that no one deceives you. For many will come in my name, claiming" 'I am the Christ, and will Deceive many, Verses 36-38, "No one Knows about that day or hour, not the Angels in heaven, or the Son, but only the Father. As it was in the days of Noah, it was in the days of Noah, so it will be at the coming of the Son of Man."
So I am incline not to believe this Radio Evangelist. There will all way be roomers of all kinds of things happening but the Bible warrens us I to keep on the watch for ourselves. No I will not pole fun at this man but will prey in kind, should we be so inclined to believe him we may be lost to the world. It is also written that it will not be by will or might that one will be saved but by the Grace of God, so it will make no difference if you prey all of the time or attend a certain organizational church or prey at home, it depends up on the Grace of God as to if your heart is clean enough to enter his kingdom. Stop believing what man says with out it being written, if he was going to allow man to figure it out by math he would have given something to go on. It is written your thought are not my thoughts. he will do the judgement.
Today the buzz is also about the Rapture (The End Time) now this prompted me to go back to my Bible to read up on this in my research of the NIV Bible Matthews Chapter 24 Verse 4-5, TITLE The Day and Hour Unknown. Before we get into this let it be know that I will not laugh nor will I Believe this but in truth, this has been warred "Watch out that no one deceives you. For many will come in my name, claiming" 'I am the Christ, and will Deceive many, Verses 36-38, "No one Knows about that day or hour, not the Angels in heaven, or the Son, but only the Father. As it was in the days of Noah, it was in the days of Noah, so it will be at the coming of the Son of Man."
So I am incline not to believe this Radio Evangelist. There will all way be roomers of all kinds of things happening but the Bible warrens us I to keep on the watch for ourselves. No I will not pole fun at this man but will prey in kind, should we be so inclined to believe him we may be lost to the world. It is also written that it will not be by will or might that one will be saved but by the Grace of God, so it will make no difference if you prey all of the time or attend a certain organizational church or prey at home, it depends up on the Grace of God as to if your heart is clean enough to enter his kingdom. Stop believing what man says with out it being written, if he was going to allow man to figure it out by math he would have given something to go on. It is written your thought are not my thoughts. he will do the judgement.